Page:An elementary grammar of the Japanese language.djvu/91

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Japanese and English Exercises.

tomodati wo mimasumai. 13. Naze anata no kicdai wa miyo niti Yedo ye ikimasumai ka. 14. Watakusi no kiodai wa biyokide (ill) gozarimasu kara ikimasumai.


1. What time will you get up to-morrow morning? 2. I shall get up to-morrow morning at eight o’clock. 3. Will you see me to-morrow in Yedo? 4. I shall not see you to-morrow. 5. Does your daughter get up early every morning? 6. She gets up every morning at six o’clock (roku zi). 7. Why do your friends go to Yedo to-day? 8. My friends go to Yedo because (they) have (their) houses (there). 9. What do you look for? 10. I look for my books. 11. Have you lost (your) money? 12. I have lost my knife (hōchō).


Indicative. Present.

Kuru, to come. Zonzuru, to know.
Suru, to do. Kurū, to be wild.
Kioiku sure, to educate. Kanzuru, to admire.

Kimasu, come or comes.
Simasu, do or does.
Kioiku simasu, educate or educates.
Kanzimasu, admire or admires.