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little Clarinda, who has a slight cold. I have nothing of particular interest to communicate. Sydney is still in a bad state. In the papers I send you with this you will see some particulars of an action in the Supreme Court for libel, in which Aaron, surgeon, late of Deritend, was plaintiff. In the Australasian Chronicle for March 17th there is an article headed 'Obscure Poets' and signed 'Faulconbridge,' which is from the pen of your humble servant. Mr. J. D. Badham, who, you will recollect, was a passenger to Sydney in the Strathfieldsaye, will be the bearer of this. He sails in a few days for Liverpool in the ship Renown, part of which vessel he himself owns. Give our love to father and mother and all our friends, and for the present farewell.

Yours affectionately,