In attempting to compile a volume which might serve as a handbook or work of reference to the several occult sciences, I have not lost sight of the extensive character of the subject, which, now that I have completed my task, is more than ever painfully perceptible. Excursions into the literature of the occult, of a somewhat extensive kind, led me to the belief that popular misconceptions concerning its several branches were many and varied. Regarding definitions there did not appear to be any substantial agreement, and application in encyclopædias and ordinary works of reference generally resulted in disappointment. That a department of human thought so pregnant with interest and so abounding in vitality should not hiterto have been reduced to presentation in reference form struck me as singular; and I resolved to d what I could to supply what seemed to me a very real literary and scientific necessity. That I have been entirely successful is too much to hope. But I have made a beginning, and this volume may inspire a more worthy hand to the compilation of a more perfect handbook of the subject.
The science of Anthropology has of late years done much to elucidate questions relating to the origins of magic, and in writing this volume I have freely applied its principles. I have not, however, permitted scientific considerations to blind me to the marvellous and romantic character of the material which I have laboured. Indeed, I am convinced that had I in any way attempted to subvert this innate quality of the occult to purely scientific considerations—however worthy of statement—the romance inherent in it would, by reason of its very native force have defeated such an intention, and, even if arrayed in the poorest of verbiage, would still retain its marvellous powers of attraction, no estimate of which can be too high.
I have relegated the subject of methods and theories to the introduction. It remains to thank the many kind friends who have assisted me actively and by advice in the compilation of this volume. My assistants, Miss Mavie Jack and Miss K. Nixey, have places me under a deep debt of obligation by their careful collection, arrangement and independent work upon the extensive literature relative to psychic science. To Mr. David MacRichie, F.S.A. (Scot.), F.R.A.I., late President of the Gypsy Lore Society, I owe thanks for the article "Gypsies." The late Lieut. William Begg collected much Theosophical matter; and Mr. W. G. Blaikie Murdoch has rendered me the greatest assistance with difficult biographical material. My lamented friend, the late Mr. A. J. B. Graham, greatly smoothed my path by throwing light on legal questions.
I have not burdened the articles with references, but have supplied a bibliographical appendix.
L. S.
66, Arden Street,