Page:An essay on abstinence from animal food, as a moral duty.djvu/13

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CHAff. |. OF MAK* 3

printed, to prove that the universe, and every thing therein contained are eternal and im- perishable.* " Nor, in truth" says he, " is the begining of the human species, nor, in like manner, that of other animals, but the attri- butes and disposition of the world, as it allways exiAs, S09 lii^e^^ifjei^ is it necesfary that, thofe things (^hich avc copnlain'd and digefted therein ftould ailways cniH, inasmuch as the world, in the fiirft p!a£e^ att^j^ys remains ; for which rea- fon Its parts are .to be place'd ^long wiih it ^ its parts^ i fay, heaveif, earth, and thofe things vhich dre place'd therein ; for not without them, but wHh tbem» an4 01^ of tben;i, is the world compofe'd : but, as the parts e^tfft at the fame time, they are place'd along with them, as with heaven, the (m^ moon and ftars, as wel iafix'd in ceriai^tp^a^es as wandering 5 with the earth, animal^ roots, and plants, gold and fil ver j with the &>bKmeand aerial region, the airs and winds j moreover, allfo, the change into warmer or colder pow^r .confifts : for, that is the property of heaven it-sfelf, that it may haye thofe things withm itsfelf which its compafs embracees : of

• Uepi T^s ra ntavrof fva-sMf, Jtve, De un'verfi natura^ in GalcB Opusoiia mjtbolofitca, &c. Cam. itqi.