Page:An essay on the origin and relative status of the white and colored races of mankind.djvu/29

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resent an insult from a black man than from one of his own race. We find the existence of this repugnance betraying itself, in various ways, even in those who, from political policy and sinister motives, necessarily fraternize, to some extent, with the black race: who, by their natural credulity, are blinded to the flattering deceptions of professed equality,

The sexual amours of the black man are not chastened by those gentle, refined and tender sensibilities of Divine inspiration, like those of the white man. And, as proof that their sexual passions are grossly animal; during the massacre of St. Domingo, they violated the persons of white females, and immediately after satiating their brutal lusts, they murdered them, by deliberately cutting their throats. The intensity of their affections never impels them to commit suicide at the shrine of unrequited love.

There are a very few instances where white women, who, are abandoned to all respect for the popular sense of propriety of their own sex and race, that have cohabited with black men; and also where giddy white girls have been decoyed into matrimonial alliances with them, through the illusion of a delusive feeling of romance; like the fair Desdemona, in Shakespear's delineations of the fatal consequences of unnatural alliances, was allured by the sable Othello, who afterwards murdered her, from a naturally predisposed jealousy, excited by the artful Iago.

Again. It is a fact, as curious as it is interesting; and which, with other corroborating facts; proves the close proximity of the Black man to the order of animals next below the human Race, which is, that each variety of the wild animals has but one color of hair and eyes, peculiar to itself; and the Black man, like the wild animals, has the same uniform color