Page:An essay on the origin and relative status of the white and colored races of mankind.djvu/41

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christian people, to ultimately qualify him for that mission; and in furtherance of that view, the government ought to send cargoes of the most intelligent of the Race, to the interior of Africa, supplied with Mechanical Tools and Agricultural implements, where they could institute a civil and a christian government, like ours, with ungrudged social and political equality, and, in the course of time, they would repay their debt of gratitude to us, in a preferred legitimate commerce in the tropical productions of that fertile land, the interior of which, they, alone, can inhabit, with impunity; and thus the blessed Savoir will be obtaining "the heathen for his inheritance and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his possession."

In conclusion, I would say, without any undue prejudice towards any Race, or any class of the human family, that my reason and researches have brought me to the irresistable conclusions and belief:—

That Adam was not the primitive ancestor of the Black man; nor is the Black man a lineal descendant from Ham; or his degraded son, Canaan; or from that fratricidal murderer, Cain; nor was he made black from the effect of climate, but that he was a separate, distinct and independent creation, specially adapted, by his nature and complexion, to a hot climate, for which he was evidently designed, and in which he was first discovered, in close proximity to other orders of the animal Kingdom, next below him, also indiginous to a hot climate: