Page:An illustrated flora of the Pacific States (vol. 1).djvu/550

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1. RAZOUMOFSKYA Hoffm. Hort. Mosq. 1808.

Plants yellow or greenish brown with fragile jointed angled stems. Leaves reduced to opposite connate scales. Flowers solitary or several from the same axil. Staminate flowers mostly 3-parted, compressed. Anthers sessile on the calyx-lobes, circular, 1-celled, dehiscent at the base by a circular slit; pollen-grains spinulose. Pistillate flowers ovatv, compressed, 2-toothed, subsessile, at length exserted on reflexed pedicels. Berry fleshy, compressed, dehiscing' clastically at the circumscissile base. Cotyledons very short. [Name in honor of Alexis Rasoumofski, Russian Botanist.] About 10 species; all North American except the type. Type species, Razoumofskya caucasica Hoffm. Staminate flowers paniculate, nearly ail terminal on distinct peduncle-like joints. 1. R. americana. Staminate flowers in simple or compound spikes, 2-4 mm. thick. Stems stout, 6-12 cm. long. ■,■ r,- Staminate spikes stout, 3-4 mm. thick, usually over 1 cm. long; plants parasitic on^Finus^^^ Staminate spikes slender, 2 mm. thick, less than 1 cm. long. Plants parasitic on piiion pines. Plants parasitic on Abies, Stems slender, 1-2 mm. thick, 1-4 cm. long. ' Stems well branched, 2-4 cm. long. Plants parasitic on Larix. Plants parasitic on Tsuga. Stems nearly simple, 1-2 cm. long; parasitic on Pseudotsuga.

2. R. campylopoda. 3. R. divaricata. 4. R. abietina. R. laracis R. tsiigcnsis. 7. R. douglasn.

1. Razoumofskya americana (Nutt.) Coville. American Dwarf Mistletoe. Fig. 1281.

Arceuthobium americanum Nutt.; Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 214. 1850. Rasoumofskya americana Coville, Contr. Nat. Herb. 4: 192. 1893. Stems slender, dichol!bmously or ver- ticillately much branched, greenish yel- low, the" staminate plants often 6-10 cm. long, with stems 1-2 mm. thick at base, tlie pistillate plants much shorter, 15-30 mm. long ; staminate flowers terminal_ on distinct peduncle-like joints, paniculate, 2 mm. broad; calyx-lobes 3, round-ovate, acutish; pistillate flowers smaller; fruit 2 mm. long, bluish. Parasitic on Pinus contorta and P. divari- cata; British Columbia to Colorado and Cali- fornia. Type locality: on Pinus contorta, Oregon.

2. Razoumofskya campylopoda (Engelm.) Kuntze Western Dwarf Mistletoe. Fig. 1282.

Bost. Arceuthobium campiopodium Engelm. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 214. 1850. Arceuthobium occidentale Engelm. U. S. Geol. Surv. West 100th Merid. 6: 254. 1878. Razoumofskya occidentalis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 587. 1891. Razoumofskya campylopoda Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 587. 1891. Staminate plants stout, dichotomously branched, 6-12 cm. high, greenish brown, the stems 4 mm. thick at base, the pistillate plants often higher, but usually more slen- der and darker. Spikes of the staminate flowers 2 to a joint, the pairs usually well separated or sometimes crowded, simple, mostlv over 1 cm. long, 2.5-3 mm. thick, with mostly 7-8 joints; calyx-lobes of the staminate flowers 4, rarely 3 or 5, oblong- ovate, acutish, about 3 mm. long; fruit 4-5 mm. long, bluish, drooping on the curved pedicels. Parasitic on Pinus ponderosa, P. jeffreyi, P. radiata, P. coulteri. and P. sabiniafxa; Idaho, south to southern California. The plants on P. radiata and P. sabiniana have the staminate spikes more crowded and often compound. Type locality: "Ore- gon, on Pinus ponderosa."