Page:An illustrated flora of the Pacific States (vol. 1).djvu/573

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Fern Family 5 Fern Beech- 14 Brittle- 7 Chain- Giant 17 Cloak- California 33 Jones' 33 Parry's 32 Coffee- 30 Cot ton - 32 Deer- 21 Gold- 20 Grape- California 5 Lance-leaved 4 Leathery 4 Little 3 Virginia 44 Holy- 9 Lace- 28 California 25 Lady- 19 Alpine 20 Licorice 8 Lip- Cleveland's 29 Coastal 28 Cooper 26 Coville's 28 Fibrillose 27 Parish 27 Slender 27 Viscid 26 Maiden-hair California 24 Western 24 Male- 16 Oak- 13 Parsley- American 22 Shield- Anderson's 12 California 11 Dudley's 12 Eaton's 11 Lemmon's 10 Sword- Imbricated 10 Western 10 Venus-hair 24 Wood- Coastal 16 Downy 14 Mountain IS Sierra 15 Spreading 17 Fescue (see Grass) Fimbristylis Grass-like 268 Hot Spring 268 Vahl's 17 ,V 267 r ir Alpine 66 Amabilis 65 Douglas 64 Big Cone 64 Grand 66 Lovely 65 Noble 68 Red 67 Santa Lucia 68 Shasta 67 Fir Stinking 66 White 67 Fire-cracker Flower 410 Flag (see Iris) Flowering Quill- wort Family 95 Flowering Quillwort 95 Fluminea (see Grass) Foxtail (see Grass) Fritillary Black ^ 422 Brandegee's 425 Davidson's 425 Fragrant 421 Ill-scented 421 Kamchatka 423 Manv-flowered 424 Purd'y's 422 Purple 424 Rice-bulbed Purple 423 Scarlet 422 Siskiyou 424 Wine-colored 425 Yellow 426 Gale Sweet 508 Galleta (see Grass) Ginger Wild Hartweg's 535 Lemmon's 536 Long-tailed 535 Gold-fern (see Fern) Golden-eyed Grass (see Grass) Golden-top (see Grass) Golden Star (see Star) Goose-grass (see Grass) Grama (see Grass) Grape-fern (see Fern) Grass Family 103 Grass Alkali Alaska 215 European 214 Lemmon's 214 Little 215 Nuttall's 215 Pacific 216 Aparejo 139 Aristida California 125 Divaricate 125 Fendler's 128 Few-flowered 126 Parish's 126 Purple ^ 127 Reverchon's 127 Schiede's 125 Wright's 127 Arrow- Marsh 96 Seaside 97 Three-ribbed 96 Barley Little 245 Low 246 Grass, Barley Meadow 247 Mediterranean 246 Northern 247 Tufted 247 Wall 245 Barnyard 117 Mexican 117 Small 117 Beach 162 Beard- 147 Annual 147 Bushy 108 Maritime 147 Plumed 107 Bent- Dwarf 153 Hairy-flowered 149 Hall's 152 Howell's 154 Idaho 155 Leafy 152 Maritime 151 Mountain 150 Northern 149 Oregon 155 Pacific 154 Ross's 153 Seashore 152 Sequoia 155 Sierra 151 Thurber's 150 Western 153 Water 150 Bermuda 174 Blue- Alkali 208 Alpine 204 Annual 198 Bigelow's 199 Bog 203 Bolander's 199 Canada 200 Canby's 207 Cusick's 210 Douglas's 200 Dune 201 Hooker's 202 Howell's 199 Kellogg's 202 Kentucky 202 Leiberg's 210 Letterman's 211 Malpais 206 Merrill's 208 Mountain 209 Little 208 Nevada 207 Pacific 206 Piper's 201 Pringle's 210 San Bernardino 201 Sanr^berg's 207 San Francisco 209 Seacliff 206 Seashore 200 Timber 205 Timberline 205 Vasey's 209 Western Tall 204 Blue-eyed Grass, Blue-eyed California 467 Idaho 466 Nevada 466 Suksdorf's 466 Blue-joint 161 Bottle-brush California 255 Brome- Alaska _ 227 Australian 236 California 228 Chilian 234 Downy 234 English 229 i< oxtail 233 Great Basin 228 Hungarian 229 Japanese 236 Mountain Large 228 Narrow-flowered 230 Narrow-leaved, 227 Orcutt's 231 Pacific 231 Porter's 231 Richardson's 230 Seaside 227 Smooth 229 Spanish 233 Sterile 235 Suksdorf's 229 Tall 232 Woodland 230 Bunch- Blue 224 Buffalo 223 Earlv 169 Mountain 223 Bur- 119 Canary- 122 California 121 Carolina 123 Lemmon's 122 Mediterranean 121 Narrow 123 Paradox 120 Reed 121 Short-spiked 122 Candv- 186 Cheat 234 Downv-sheathed 236 Soft 232 Smooth- flowered 232 Chess 234 Chloris Silkv 176 Colusa 188 Cord- 175 Alkali 175 California 175 Cotton- Russet 268 Slender 269 Tall 269 Crabb- 110 Crypsis Sharp-leaved 142 Cut-