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Roman-Dutch Law

Justinianus is a translation from the Latin of Voet's analysis of the Institutes (Elementa Juris), supplemented with a translation of those passages in Vinnius' Commentary in which reference is made to the modern law.

Eighteenth Century

Writers of the eighteenth century. Cornelis van Bijnkershoek is beyond controversy the most eminent Dutch jurist of the eighteenth century. He was President of the Supreme Court of Holland, Zeeland, and West Friesland from 1724 to 1743. For our present purpose the most useful of his works is the Quaestiones Juris Privati, published in Latin in 1744, and in a Dutch translation in 1747.

Mention has already been made of Schorer's edition of Grotius (1767) and of Decker's edition of Van Leeuwen (1780). A Dutch translation of Schorer's notes on Grotius, which contains also additional matter supplied to the translator by the author, appeared from the hand of J. E. Austen in 1784–6. This is the edition referred to in the margin of Professor Fockema Andreae's edition of Grotius.

A useful work was published by Van der Linden and other jurists in 1776 under the name of Rechtsgeleerde Observatien, dienende tot opheldering van verscheide duistere, en tot nog toe voor het grootste gedeelte onbewezene passagien uyt de Inleidinge tot de Hollandsche Rechtsgeleertheid van wylen Mr. H. de Groot.

D. G. Van der Keessel, a Professor at Leyden, issued in the year 1800 his Theses Selectae juris Hollandici et Zelandici ad supplendam Hugonis Grotii Introductionem ad Jurisprudentiam Hollandicam. The work was reprinted in 1860. There is a translation by C. A. Lorenz. The Dictata in which the author of the Theses expanded and supported them still circulate in manuscript, but have never been printed. There is a fine MS. copy in the University Library at Leyden corrected in Van der Keessel's own hand. I am told that the author's own manuscript