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Choice, 105 ff.
of vocation, 182-191, 202.
Christianity, 191, 199.
Church, 93, 120, 147, 243-246.
instinctive basis of, 50-51.
Companionship, 38, 228, 240.
Conduct, 586, 117-248.
and behaviour, 56, 121.
and character, 117 ff.
and the school, 124 ff.
implications of, 122-124.
motives of, 140-145.
sanctions of, 145-152.
Conscience and impulse, 60.
and moral judgment, 127, 139 ff.
and the self, 100-102, 109 ff.
as feeling, 110-112.
as reason, 110-112.
conflicts of, 112 ff.
education of, 114 ff.
Conscientiousness, 115, 166, 214.
Consequences as test of right and wrong, 139 ff., 174.
Convention, 131-133, 147.
Courage, 207, 209-211, 216-217.
Cromwell, 136, 239.
Curiosity, 46, 50, 53-57.

D'Arcy, C. F., 219, 248.
Decision, 96, 105 ff.
Degeneration, 20.
Deliberation, 104, 106, 115.
Desire, 61-66, 194.
and ambition, 66.
and duty, 165, 162.
and impulse, 61.
and the self, 65, 195, 211.
and will, 102, 211.
conflict of, 61, 104, 195, 206.
education of, 62-64, 103, 211.
object of, 174-177.
Dewey, J., 13, 99, 116, 126, 162, 179, 181, 204, 219, 232, 248.
Discipline, 125, 211, 217, 231, 240.
Dugdale, B. A., 24.
Duties, particular, 165-166.
relative to rights, 227, 230.
Duty, 153-166.
and desire, 155.
and happiness, 181, 196 ff.
and impulse, 155.
and interest, 154 ff.
and the self, 164-166.
and vocation, 189, 196 ff., 227.
authority of, 162-164.
child's definition of, 126, 154.
rules of, 156-162.

Education, Moral, 7-10, 221, 233-243.
and conduct, 124 ff., 215 ff.
and environment, 37, 221.
and heredity, 35.
and ideals, 203, 242-248.
and impulses, 58-60.
and instincts, 51-55.
and responsibility, 33, 125, 217.
and sanctions, 150 ff.
for vocation, 108199-204.
of conscience, 108114-116.
of desires, 10862-64.
of emotions, 10872-77.
of personality, 10897-99, 231.
of sentiments, 10880-82.
of virtues, 108215-219.
of will, 108103, 105 ff., 215 ff.
Edwards, Jonathan, 10825.
Egoism, 191 ff.
Emotion, 67 ff.
and character, 67, 133, 142.
complex, 68.
simple, 69.
Environment and Heredity, 14-40.
physical, 21-23.
social, 27-30, 86, 90, 220, 240.