Page:An introduction to linear drawing.djvu/32

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4.Make a six sided polygon of unequal sides.(fig.4.)

The word polygon means many-angled. To make a polygon, the best method is, first to place dots at the angles and then draw right lines from dot to dot.

5.Make a five sided polygon of unequal sides.(fig.5.)

6.Make two polygons of unequal but parallel sides.(figs. 5 and 6.)

7.Make a six sided polygon of equal sides.

8.Make a five sided polygon of equal sides.

A polygon of equal sides is called a regular polygon.

9.From one point of a polygon draw diagonals, and then draw a parallel polygon within the first.(fig. 7.)

After drawing a polygon, from either of the points carry right lines to all the rest, thus making several triangles. These lines are called diagonals. Then you have only to draw parallels to the several sides from diagonal to diagonal.

To vary the exercise, let the pupil draw a polygon outside of the first drawn. He will then only have to lengthen the diagonals.