Page:An introduction to linear drawing.djvu/70

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Ans. On a line drawn from the centre of one circle to the centre of the other.

6. How will you proceed to " add two squares," that is, to find a third square whose surface shall be as large as two smaller squares, (p. 26.)

7. After you have drawn your [triangle, what will a semicircle drawn on the greatest side of the triangle touch ? (p. 2%.)

8. When the two smaller squares are equal, what sort of a triangle wi)l be required to find the square equal to both of them ?

9. If the great square and one of the small ones be given, how will you find the size of the other small one ? (p. 27.)

10. How will you " take half of a square that is, how will you find two small squares which shall be equal to one large one ?

11. What part of a circle is a Protracter ?

12. How many degrees are graduated on a Pro- tracter ?

13. How will you proceed to graduate or mark the degrees on a Protracter ? (bottom of page 21.)

14. What other way ? (top of p. 21.)

15. Does the size of a circle increase the number of degrees into which it is divided ? (p. 28.)

16. What is the difference then between the degrees of a large circle and those of a small one ?

17. Is the angle between any two radii affected by lengthening the radii ?

18. How many degrees of a circle form a right angle ?

19. What is an angle of less than 90 degrees called ?

20. What is an angle of more than 90 degrees called ?

21. How will you find the size of an angle with the protracter ?