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flora alata, Curt. Mag. t. 66, Lathyrus latifolius, Engl. Bot. t. 1108, and many others of the Pea kind, besides several Thistles, as Carduus acanthoides, t. 973, palustris, t. 974, and Centaurea solstitialis, t. 243.

The Surface of the Stem is

Glaber, smooth, opposed to all kinds of hairiness or pubescence, as in Petty Spurge, Euphorbia Peplus, Engl. Bot. t. 959, and numerous plants besides.

Lævis, smooth and even, opposed to all roughness and inequality whatever, as in the last example, and also Euonymus europæus, t. 362.

Nitidus, polished, smooth and shining, as Chærophyllum sylvestre, t. 752.

Viscidus, viscid, covered with a clammy juice, as Lychnis Viscaria, t. 788.

Verrucosus, warty, like Euonymus verrucosus, Jacq. Fl. Austriaca, t. 49, and Malpighia volubilis, Curt. Mag. t. 809.

Papillosus, papillose, covered with soft tubercles, as the Ice plant, Mesem-