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The Flower-stalk is

Caulinus, cauline, when it grows immediately out of the main stem, especially of a tree, as in Averrhoa Bilimbi, Rumph. Amboin. v. 1. t. 36, the Indian substitute for our green gooseberries.

Rameus, growing out of a main branch, as in Averrhoa Carambola, ibid. t. 35, and Eugenia malaccensis, Exot. Bot. t. 61.

Axillaris, axillary, growing either from the bosom of a leaf, that is, between it and the stem, as Anchusa sempervirens, Engl. Bot. t. 45, and Campanula Trachelium, t. 12; or between a branch and the stem, as Ruppia maritima, t. 136.

Oppositifolius, opposite to a leaf, as Geranium pyrenaicum, t. 405, G. molle, t. 778, and Sium angustifolium, t. 139.

Internodis, proceeding from the intermediate part of a branch between two leaves, as in Ehretia internodis, L' Heritier Stirp. t. 24, Solanum carolinense, Dill. Hort. Elth. t. 259, and indicum,