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Multiflori, many-flowered, as Daphne Laureola, t. 119.

When there is no Flower-stalk, the flowers are said to be Sessiles, sessile, as in Centaurea Calcitrapa, t. 125, and the Dodders, t. 55 and 378.

The subject of inflorescence, or particular modes of flowering, will be explained in a future chapter.

5. Petiolus. The Footstalk, or Leaf-stalk. This term is applied exclusively to the stalk of a leaf, which is either simple, as in Ranunculus parviflorus, Engl. Bot. t. 120, Sium angustifolium, t. 139, and all simple leaves; or compound, as Coriandrum sativum, t. 67, and Fumaria claviculata, t. 103. In the latter the footstalks end in tendrils, and are called Petioli cirriferi.

This part is commonly channelled on the upper side. Sometimes it is greatly dilated and concave at the base, as in Angelica sylvestris, t. 1128.

The Footstalk bears the Flower-stalk in Turnera ulmifolia, Linn. Hort. Cliff. t. 10,