Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/101

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Chapter XVII

other mighty asuras — our arms are inspired with infinite strength — God is almighty and if he so wills ours shall be the victory. Come, let us go and break the infidel city down to dust, purify the pig-sty with fire and throw it into water, break up the swallow's nest and throw its heather to the winds. Sing the name of the Lord, oh Friends. " At that time the woods rang with a thousand voices crying in terrible tone the name of the Lord. A thousand swords jingled at once — a thousand spears shot up in the air with their heads, the clappings on defiant arms made a sound like a thunder clap. A thousand dkolas made a roaring sound in the rough backs of the warriors. Beasts were scared away by the noise, birds flew away from the woods in terror and covered the sky. Hundreds of drums beat at once and parties of the Children began to issue from the woods in due array. With slow and solemn steps, chanting Hari?iam aloud, they marched towards the town in that dark night. The noise of the crumpling of clothes, the clash of arms, the stifled voices and occasional loud shouts of Haribol marked their march. Slowly, solemnly, in ire and with fire, the army of the Children entered the town and threw it into panic. Overtaken by this sudden invasion, the townsmen fled as best they could and the protectors of the town stood amazed and still. The first thing the Children did was to enter the gaol which they broke and to kill the warders. They