Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/123

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Chapter V

The tcte a tete with Mahendra finished, Satyananda entered with Mahendra the temple in the abbey where that beautiful and noble image of Vishnu was placed. There was an unusual display of beauty there at the hour. It was lit up with various lamps of gold and silver set with jewels, and heaps of flowers filled the temple with beauty and fragrance. Within the temple sat another person who was slowly chanting the name of Han. On Satyananda entering the room he stood up and made his obeisance. The monk then asked him, " Do you want to be initiated ?" " Please have the kindness, 1 ' replied the man. Satya- lianda then addressed them both and said, " Have you bathed and fasted and kept yourselves pure as enjoined ?" "Yes," they replied. " Take the vow in the presence of the Deity that you will scrupulously follow the rules of the Children's creed." " We will." fS That you will renounce your home till the mother is saved. 51 " We will/' u Your brothers and sisters ?' " Yes." « Wife and children ? " " Yes." " Kinsmen and servants ?"