Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/125

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Chapter V

" We also shall not make any distinction and shall consider ourselves as children of one mother." " Then I shall initiate you. Never break the vow you have taken here. Vishnu Himself is witness to it. Me who slew Ravana, Kamsa, Hiranyakasipu, Jarasan- dha, Sisupala and others, who knows the inmost thoughts of everybody, who is all-victor, all-powerful and all-regulator, who dwells alike in the thunderbolt of Indra and in the claws of the cat, He will send the breaker of faith to eternal perdition." " So be it," they said. " Sing then ' Hail mother,' " said the monk and the two sang the hymn of the Mother, The monk then initiated them in proper form.