Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/164

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The Abbey of Bliss

" Is the Child's creed such as you can't renounce ? — Dont you see, you are dying — Oh ! for shame, my shoulder is cut up " (in fact blood was flowing from his shoulders). " With what object have you come to instigate me to sin ? You must have some interest in doing so," said Bhavananda. "What is that I will tell you — Don't drive your sword into my body — I'll tell you. This Child's vow has sorely troubled me — I am sick of it. I want to renounce it and pass my days in the pleasant company of my wife and children. But I cannot be staying safely at home, Many know me to be a rebel. So soon as I am at my house, either the officers of the State will cut off my head or the Children themselves will kill me as a traitor. I therefore want to take you with me." " Well, why me ? " " That is the kernel of the whole affair. The Children are all under your command. Satyananda is not here [and in his absence you are their leader. If you begin the fight with these soldiers, I am sure you will win. When you have won, you had better establish your own kingdom, for the soldiers will do your bidding. You will then be the king and Kalyani may be your Mandadari ; and I, as your humble follower, may happily pass my days in the company of my darlings and bless you. Sink the Child's creed in the depths of the deepest sea." Bhavananda slowly took off the* sword from Dhira-