Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/175

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Chapter IX

" Boom-oom-oom-oom," roared the English guns. The vast forest shook with the sound and echoed back " boom-oom-oom-oom." Meandering through the banks of the river was echoed from the distant horizon the sound " boom-oom-oom-oom." It • entered the other forest beyond the stream and sounded there " boom-oom-oom-oom." Satyananda ordered, " come one to see whose guns they are." Some Children instant- ly jumped on horses and went about to see ; but no sooner had they come to some distance out of the woods than cannon balls were showered on them like the rain drops of Sravan and they all fell with their horses. Satyananda saw all this from a distance. "Mount a lofty tree," he said, " and see what it is." Before he said this, Jivananda had done so and was watching in the light of dawn. From a high branch he shouted downwards, " It is the English gun." " Infantry or Cavalry " asked Satyananda. t( Both." " How many are they ?"

    • Can't guess, they are still coming out of the woods."

" Only sepoys ? or are there Europeans too ?" " There are Europeans." Satyananda then asked Jivananda to come down from the tree, which he did.