Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/178

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The Abbey of Bliss

B. You are sinless — you have nothing to expiate. I have a guilty mind. 1 will have to die. You had better stay and let me go. J. I do not know what sin you are guilty of. But I know this that if you live the Children s mission will be fulfilled. Let me go, Bhavananda was silent for a while and said : Today will I die if there is need ; I will die whenever the necessity arises. There is not a good and a bad time for death. J. Then come. After this Bhavananda advanced and stood at the head of the army. At that time showers of cannon balls were working havoc in the ranks of the army of the Children, — cutting them to pieces, tearing them and throwing them overhead. Besides, the sepoys with their guns laid rows of Children low with a sure aim. " Into this fire have the Children to jump today," said Bhavananda. " Comrades, sing now, who can, " Hail mother/' Then thousands of Children sang aloud " Hail, Mother" in the deep strains of the Meghmallar tune and to the time of the cannon's roar.