Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/190

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The Abbey of Bliss

After that Satyananda, Jivananda, Mahendra, Nabinauanda and Dhirananda sat down in the wood to deliberate. "The object with which we had so long renounced all pleasures and all other duties has been gained. There is no longer any infidel force in this part of the country. What remains of it will not be able to stand for a moment before us. What do you now advise us to do?"

Jivananda answered, "Let us now go and attack the capital."

"That is my opinion too," said Satyananda.

"Where is the army for it?", asked Jivananda.

J. "Why, these soldiers of ours?"

D. "Where are 'these soldiers?' Whom do you see here?"

J. They are resting at places. They will all come at the beat of our drum.

D. You won't find any one of them now.

"Why?" inquired Satyananda.

D. They are all out looting. The villages are unprotected now. They will now pillage the Mussulman villages and the silk-factory and return home. You will not find any one now. I have searched for them everywhere.

Satyananda was sorry but said: "However, this part of the country has come under our sway. There is no one here who can dispute our sovereignty. So you will now declare the Children's rule in the land of the Barendras. Levy taxes from the people and recruit an army for an attack on the city. Good many soldiers