Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/199

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Chapter I

and held her In a deep embrace. Then Kalyani laughed heartily and said : "Bless thy wretched lot, I did not know that you were in the same boat with me." Santi asked, " My friend, are you going in search of Mahendra ? " " Who are you," asked Kalyani, " you seem to know everything." " I am a monk," was the answer, u a captain of the Children's army and a fearful hero ! I know everything. The road to Padachinha is so infested with sepoys and Children that you can never reach Padachinha to-night." Kalyani wept. Santi playfully turned her eyeballs as she said : " Why are you afraid ? We kill thousands with the shafts in our eyes. Come, let us go to Padachinha." Kalyani thought herself immensely fortunate in having secured the aid of such a clever woman and said " I shall go wherever you take me." Santi then led her on through the woods.