Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/205

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Chapter III

amused at Mahendra's discomfiture, smiled and threw a wistful look at Kalyani. The darkness was at once dispelled from Mahendra's eyes and he recognised that it was a woman's glance. Boldly he pulled by the beards of Nabinananda ; the false beards and moustache came oft'. Taking advantage of the moment, Kalyani too untied the knot that fixed the tiger-skin which slipped off from Santi's breast. Found out, Santi stood abashed with her eyes fixed on the ground. Mahendra then asked Santi, " Who are you ? " " I am Nabinananda Goswami." " That's a sham, you are a woman ! " " So it turns out now." " Then I shall ask you one thing ; why do you, being a woman, live constantly with Jivananda Thakur." " It is better that I should not tell you that." " Does Jivananda know that you are a woman ? " " He does." The pure-souled Mahendra was very sorry to hear this. Seeing him in such a plight, Kalyani could contain herself no longer and said, "She is Jivananda Goswami's married wife, Santi Devi." For a moment Mahendra's face brightened up with joy. At the next, it was covered with gloom. Kalyani understood what was passing in his mind and said, " But she was sworn to a virgin life."