Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/208

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The Abbey of Bliss

the English, Mahendra too put his feet into the trap, and, leaving a small garrison in the fort, left Padachinha with the majority of the troops for the fair. Jivananda and Santi had cume out of Padachinha before all this happened. Then there was no talk of a fight nor were they anxious for it at the time. They had thought to sacrifice their lives as an expiation for break- ing their vow in the holy water at an auspicious hour of that holy full-moon day of Magh. But on the way they heard that there would be a great fight of the as- sembled Children with Englishmen in the fair. Then Jivananda said, " Come then, we would rather die in battle." They began to walk fast. The road passed at one spot over a mound and when they got on it the heroic pair saw that below and not far from the mound stood the English camp. " Leave alone the talk of death just now," said Santi, " and cry 1 Hail, Mother ! 1 "