Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/228

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The Abbey of Bliss

Come with me now to gain knowledge and you will understand all this yourself." "I have no desire to gain knowledge" returned Satya- nanda, te I have nothing to do with knowledge. I shall pursue the mission that I have undertaken. Bless me, that my devotion to the Mother may remain unabated." " Your mission has been fulfilled ; you have done good to your Mother and established the English rule. Give up fighting, let people engage themselves in agri- culture, and the country overflow with crops and flourish. Fire flashed from Satyanandas eyes. " I will soak the earth" he said, "with the blood of enemies and fertilise it ! " " Where is the enemy now ? There is none. The English are a friendly power, and no one, in truth, has the power to come off victorious in a fight with the English." <( If that is so, I shall sacrifice my life before this image of the Mother." " In ignorance ? Why, come with me and you will have light. There is a temple of the Mother on the Himalayas ; from there I shall show you the Mother's form." So saying the great man took Satyananda by the hand. What a lovely sight that was ! The two great and radiant forms holding each other's hand in the dim light of that solemn chamber and before the noble image of Vishnu. It was as if, knowledge took the hand of Devotion, Faith of Action ; sacrifice, of active