Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/73

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Chapter XII

Mahendra cried out in agony : " Kalyani, dearest, what hast thou done ?" Kalyani made no answer but took the dust of her husband's feet and said : " My Lord, words will beget more words and cause delay ; let me now part." "Kalyani, Kalyani ! What hast thou done ? " cried Mahendra and rang the skies with lamentations. Softly she answered, " IVe done well, for you may not neglect the work of the gods for the sake of a woman. I was about to disobey the gods, and see, I have lost my daughter. Who knows you would not go too if I dis- obeyed further ?" " I could have left you somewhere," cried Mahendra, weeping bitterly, " and when the work was done I might have been happy again in your company, Kalyani, my dearest, why did you do this ? The hand with which I would have wielded the sword you have cut down. What am I without you ?" " Where could you take me ?" she answered. "Where is there a place for me ? My parents and friends have all died in the dire famine. Who else has got a place for me? Where have I a place to go to ? Where could you take me ? I am your stumbling block. It is well that I die. Bless me that I may meet you again in that glorious region of my dreams." So saying Kalyani took the dust of his feet again. Mahendra wept and could make no reply. Kalyani spoke again — her voice was very soft, very sweet and very loving — " Who is there that can undo the will of the gods," she asked, "the gods