Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/95

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Chapter XVI

sway of The Children but I know this that you are entirely in my power — you who are greater than the world and are a heaven to me. — Come, let us go home. I will not go back." Santi could not speak for some time. She then slowly said, " For shame, my love ! You are a hero and my greatest pride in life is that I am a hero's spouse. You will forsake the hero's duty for the petty sake of the trifle that a woman is ! Do not love me — I do not want the pleasure, — but grant me this that you will never swerve from the path of a hero's duty. But do tell me one thing before you go. What have you got to do to expiate this transgression ?" "Well, a trifle — fasting, a gift of 12 Kahans of cotvrie" Santi smiled and said," I know what it is ; now, is the expiation the same for many faults as for one ?" Jtvananda was startled and asked in distress: "What do you mean by this ?" "I have got a prayer to make — do not make the expiation before you see me again." Jivananda smiled. " You needn't fear that " he said, " I could not die before seeing you. In fact I am in no hurry to die. I won't stay here longer, I cannot have my fill of looking at you now, but I am sure I will have the opportunity some day. Our desire will one day be fulfilled. I will go now ; but you must keep one request from me — you must give up this dress and go and live in my ancestral home."