Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/97

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Chapter XVII

Bhavananda sat in the temple chanting Harinatna when Jnanananda, a spirited Child, came up to him. " How now, Goswami," asked Bhavananda, " why do you look so grave ?" " All is not well," said Jnanananda, " for that job of yesterday, the Muslims are catching every soul in saffron robes they can get hold of. All the Children have left their saffron garments to-day, but Master Satyananda has gone alone with them towards the town. I donot know but he may fall into the hands of the Mussulmans." " That Mussulman does not breathe in Bengal," said Bhavananda, " who can keep him confined. I know Dhirananda has followed him. Still I'll go and have a walk in the town. You just look after the Abbey." So saying Bhavananda retired to a private chamber and got out some clothes from a large trunk. He was then suddenly transformed ; the saffron robe gave place to the pyjama, mtrsai t and Kaba and the head was ador- ned by amama and the feet by Nagra shoe. He wiped off the prints of sandal from the face and his handsome face stood out beautifully against his dark beards and moustaches. He then looked quite like a Mougal youth. Thus dressed, Bhavananda started off after provid- ing himself with arms. About two miles from the place were two small hills overgrown with jungles. Between