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state of confidence and power. In the first stage of the process, a hand touched him. This was the application of power for his resuscitation. Its effect was partial, not complete. It gave him existence; but it was not vigorous: for it only placed him upon his knees and the palms of his hands; and in a state of mind apparently expressed by the word quandary. He was awake, but in perplexity, not knowing what move to make; he was, however, relieved of this, by being invited to "stand upon his feet." Although he was addressed as "a man greatly beloved," he arose from his hands and knees with fear and trembling. "I stood," said he, "trembling."

Daniel was now in the second stage of the process. Standing upright, he was the subject of anastasis, or "standing up"; but he was nevertheless in trembling and fear; and still tending earthward and speechless. But he was bidden not to fear; and was further encouraged by assurances of good, based upon his previous devotion to the Word, and his conduct before God. This judicial conference, though it would gladden the heart of Daniel, did not of itself impart vigour to his constitution. He was still earthward and speechless; for after the words of comfort were spoken, he says, "I set my face earthward (pahnai artzah), and I was dumb."

He had now arrived at the third stage in which he was to be quickened into courageousness, tranquillity and strength; by which he might "stand in his lot at the end of the days"; and shine a star of great brilliancy in the constellations of the "New Heavens," in which alone righteousness shall reign. This quickening is accomplished by "one like the similitude of the sons of men," touching him. In this way he alludes to Jesus, then unborn, who, in "the time of the dead," shall touch him with Spirit power; and impart to him the peace, wisdom, and potency of incorruptibility and life. His ability to speak, and so to give account of himself in regard to his existence, had been restored to him in the second stage by the touching of his lips; but this did not make him "strong," nor give him "peace." It only enabled him to confess his condition of utter feebleness. It remained, therefore, that there should be a greater impartation of power, by which his whole man should be strengthened. He was thus touched a second time by the same "appearance of a man"; not upon the lips, but upon the body. "He came again, and touched me; and said, O man, greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee; be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened."

Such was the preface, dramatically exhibited, of a prophecy revealing to Daniel the awakening and recompensing of sleepers in the dust in "the time of the end." It was the last of his visions, and