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by Cambyses the Persian. The Pharaohs of this period found sufficient occupation for the little energy that remained in Egypt, in the attempt to carry forward the vast piles that their greater ancestors had begun and left unfinished. The events of the Exodus are absolutely required to account for this very remarkable circumstance.

This rapid sketch of the history of Ancient Egypt will suffice to demonstrate that it belongs to the Biblical rather than to the classic era of antiquity; and therefore, that it must be from the former not from the latter that its remains are either to receive illustration, or to impart it.

We subjoin the hieroglyphic names of Amosis and his successors who formed the eighteenth dynasty of Manetho. All the Pharaohs of this epoch wrote their names in two rings or cartels, the first of which contains the inaugural and distinctive title assumed by each on his accession: the other is the proper name.

The dates of the several reigns are from the calculations of M. Champollion Figeac.[1] They are entirely founded upon astronomical and historical data given by ancient authors, and are therefore well entitled to the reader's confidence.

[Pharaoh, i. e. sun, avenging lord of Upper and Lower Egypt]—[Amosis, i.e. born of the moon].[2] The founder of Manetho's eighteenth dynasty, reigned 25 years, reign began B.C. 1847.

  1. Lettres à M. le Duc de Blacas D'Aulps.
  2. The brackets indicate the contents of the rings.