Page:Ancient History of the Deccan.djvu/108

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§ 2. The Gangas.

Up to the moment of writin.i^ this, the genealogv of this dynasty has remained unsettled for the following reasons : Tiie first documents that were discovered were no doubt spurious. They gave the following genealogy : Konganivarman, Mâdhava ( I ), I Harivarman, I Kishnugôpa, i Mâdhava (II), I Avinita, etc.

In 1913, were discovered the Penukonda plates which give the following genealogy : Konganivarman, Mâdhava, . I Ayyavarman, Madhava.

This document was certainly a genuine one ; it was ad- mitted that the genealogy given in the spurious records is erroneous and that the onlv rv:;liable one is what is «iven in the Penukonda plates. It has therefore been admitted that the following is the correct genealogy : Konganivarman,

Mâdhava"^ I, . I " Ayyavarman, I Mâdhava II., I Avinita, etc.