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hind him, thinking the was ſhot, Willy fees her jumping o'er the dike, thought it was a child brought forth. cries, come back my dear and be christened, and no rin to the hills and be n Pagan, ſo Willy grew better every day thereafter being brought to bed in the kail-yard; but his dauhter was brought to bed ſome months thereafter, which was the cauſe of the doctor's miſtake.

PART IT. NOW wife Willy had a daughter called Rolloch- ing Jenny, becauſe ſhe ſpoke thick ſix words at three times, half ſenſe and half nonſenſe, as her own words and actions will bear witneſs. She be- ing with child, was brought to bed of a bonny laſſ bairn, and the wives in the town cried he-go- laddie it's juſt like its ain daddy long Sandy Taſon, (or Thomſon) we ken by its noſe; for Sandy had a great muckle red noſe like a lobſter tae, bowed at the point like a hawk's neb, and Sandy himſelf ſaid it was ſurely his or ſome ither body's, but he had uſed a' his birr at the gittin o't, to ſey his ability, being the firſt time o'er he was fie a buſi- neſs before, and when he had done a' that man cou'd do at it, ſaid it was nonſenſe, and ſhame fa' him, but he wad rather row his boat round the Baſſ and back again, or he did the like again for wife Willy gade wood at the wean, and ſaid, it had mire ill nature in't nor the auldet wife about the town, it piſſ'd the bed and ſhit the bed, kirf'd like a wild cat, and kept him frae his night's reſt: and a' the auld hags about the town ca'd Sandy de bairn's daddy, and the young (illegible text) gille.gawki laſſes held out their fingers and cried, tee, free, Sandy, the kirk will kittle your hips yet. And after a', the bleareye'd ballman came blad-