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both pretend to ſpeak Engliſh, and have a liberal part of education; but ſince learning is now ſo eaſy to be obtained, ignorance and corruption of ſpeech are greatly decreaſed. In the county of Life, on the ſea coaſt, there are a little town, inhabited by few but fiſhers, called Bucky harbour, becauſe of the ſea buckies and ſhells ſo plenty to be found on the rocks, in and about that place; there is little mention made of this town by hiſtorians, to know its original extraction and anti- quities, but in their own burgeſs-ticket, which was part of it perfect truths, but more of it by way o lampoon: this ticket was dated the two and thirty day of the month of Julius Caeſar, their coatſ of arms was two hands gripping each other over a seate's rumple; their oath was, I will the de'il may tak mean I binna an honeſt man to you an ye binna de like to me." An article of good neighbourhood they had, whoever was first up in the morning, waſ to raiſe all the reſt to go to ſea, but if a bad morning, they piſs and ly down agrin, till break of day, then raiſes wife Willy, who could judge the weather by the blowing of the wind. (illegible text) Their freedoms were to take all kinds of fiſh con