Page:Anecdotes of Great Musicians.djvu/190

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was so ill as to fall fainting from his chair ere it was finished.

But for rapid composition the palm must perhaps be awarded to the Italian composer, Coccia; for of him it is recorded, that he composed the opera of "Donna Caritea" in six days. This opera was first performed in Turin in 1818. But such rapidity cannot be conducive of valuable works unless it be by much greater composers than was Coccia.


The music of Rossini and Meyerbeer would lead us to expect that they might have some personal affinity. Nor would we be mistaken, for they were intimate friends. The friendship would seem to have been real, for it was of such a character as took a real enjoyment in the work and successes, each of the other.

Once, when listening to a performance of "Roberto," the two were seated in a box at the opera house in Paris.

Rossini was so delighted at a certain piece that he jumped up, and, turning to the composer, said:—

"If you can write anything better than that I will undertake to dance on my head!" "Well then," replied Meyerbeer, "you had better begin practicing, for I have just finished the fourth act of 'Les Huguenots.'"


Haydn spent some time in the service of Count Motzin, a wealthy noble. At an entertainment given by the latter there was present Prince Esterhazy, whose wealth and station exceeded that of his entertainer. During the evening there was played a symphony by Haydn which so delighted the Prince that he determined to take its composer into his service. So he sent word to Haydn to come to his palace. At the appointed time Haydn appeared before this august personage. The Prince