Page:Anecdotes of painters, engravers, sculptors and architects, and curiosities of art (IA anecdotesofpaint01spoo).pdf/21

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Magdalen by Correggio, 264

Discovery of a Correggio, 265

Lionardo da Vinci, 266

Precocity of Da Vinci's Genius, 266

Extraordinary Talents of Da Vinci, 268

Da Vinci's Works at Milan, 268

Da Vinci's "Battle of the Standard," 270

Lionardo da Vinci and Leo X., 271

Lionardo da Vinci and Francis I., 271

Death of Da Vinci, 272

Da Vinci's Learning, 272

Da Vinci's Writings, 273

Da Vinci's Sketch Books, 275

The Last Supper of Lionardo da Vinci, 276

Copies of the Last Supper of Da Vinci, 278

Da Vinci's Discrimination, 279

Da Vinci's Idea of Perfection in Art, 280

Da Vinci and the Prior, 282

Da Vinci's Drawings of the Heads in his celebrated
Last Supper, 284

Francis I. and the Last Supper of Da Vinci, 284

Authenticated Works of Da Vinci, 285

Works in Niello, 286

Sir Christopher Wren, 290

Wren's Self-Command, 290

Wren's Restraints in designing his Edifices, 292

The Great Fire in London, 293

St. Paul's Cathedral, 294

Wren's Death, 295

Wren and Charles II., 295

Thomas Banks, the English Sculptor, 295

The Genius of Banks, 297

Banks' Kindness to Young Sculptors, 298