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The Emperor Joseph II Incognito

The knowledge of God is essential to uprightness of life. The Emperor Joseph II (+ 1790) was in the habit of frequently moving among the people, in order to acquaint himself thoroughly with their circumstances and particularly with their needs. One year, when there was a famine in Bohemia, he sent a large quantity of corn, to be distributed to the poorer class of inhabitants. Almost immediately after this consignment had been sent off, he hastened to Bohemia himself, in order to convince himself that his instructions concerning the relief of the poor had been followed. Journeying incognito, he stopped at one of the small towns, where he found several wagons loaded with corn standing before the town hall. The emperor entered into conversation with some of the bystanders, and from them he learned that the wagons had been waiting there for hours because the official charged with the distribution of the grain had not put in an appearance. Thereupon the emperor in his civilian’s dress went to the residence of the official in question, and called him to account for keeping the people waiting so long. The man replied: “ You have no business to teach me my duty; I know very well what I have to do.” Then the emperor unbuttoned his coat, and, showing the decorations on his breast, said: “ I, who speak to you, am your emperor. By my imperial authority you are deposed from your post, and you have nothing more to do with the distribution of the corn.” Calling another official, the emperor appointed him to fill