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Q. Is the Son God?

A. The Son is God and the second Person of the Blessed Trinity,

The Death of Arius

About three hundred years after the time of Our Lord, Arius, a priest of Constantinople, began to teach that Christ was not God. He gained many followers, but he and his heresy were condemned in the Council of Nicaea. Later, however, the Emperor Constantine espoused his cause and ordered the Bishop of Constantinople to restore him to the communion of the Church. The bishop was helpless, and could only beg God to avert such a scandal. Nor did God refuse his petition. When Arius with his followers came in joyful procession to the cathedral door, the heretic was suddenly seized with dreadful spasms, and having fled to a private room for relief, he remained so long that his friends went in search of him. They found him in the closet, livid and dead, the floor strewn with his blood and intestines. His body had burst asunder like that of the traitor Judas.

Q. Is the Holy Ghost God?

A. The Holy Ghost is God and the third Person of the Blessed Trinity.

A Seasonable Text

In the sixth century there lived in Spain, Leovigild. King of the Visigoths. This king, while be-