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teemed with minute animalculae. Thus it was conclusively proved that the germs of life are in the atmosphere; in the last experiment they were communicated to the water, and there developed into living creatures. Animal life cannot be evolved out of lifeless matter; the theory of spontaneous generation is utterly false.

Q. What are angels?

A. Angels are pure spirits without a body, created to adore and enjoy God in heaven.

The Protection of the Angels

He hath given His angels charge over us, especially over children. On the 8th of July, 1890, in a village near Prague, a little girl four years of age fell out of a window in the second story of her father’s house into the courtyard below. Her mother, terrified, rushed into the yard and caught up the child; she was not only alive, but had not sustained the slightest injury. Her mother took her to the hospital, where she was examined by a medical man but he could not discover so much as a bruise.

On the 3d of May, 1893, in one of the streets of Paris, a little girl three years of age fell from a window in the fifth story of a house, and was not hurt in the slightest degree.

On the 9th of July, 1895, the three-year-old son of Prince Alexander Salm, while traveling by rail near Vienna, fell out of the railway coach, the door of which had been torn open by a violent gust of wind. The guard was rung for, and the train was stopped;