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want to know is who is the next happiest after God.” The poet replied: “Undoubtedly the happiest being after God is he who most closely resembles God, that is to say, whoever is most perfect in virtue.”

Q. What befell Adam and Eve on account of their sin?

A. Adam and Eve, on account of their sin, lost innocence and holiness, and were doomed to sickness and death.

The Woodcutter’s Conceit

We should have fallen into the sin of our first parents much more readily than they did, had we been in their place. In the employ of a prince there was a certain woodcutter who, while he was at work, was wont to inveigh against Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit, abusing them roundly for having transgressed so easy a commandment and thereby brought such unbounded misery on their posterity. “I and my wife would not have been such fools,” he said. His employer overheard this speech, and said: “Well, well, we shall see. From this day forth you and your wife shall live at my expense and have it almost as well as Adam and Eve in Paradise; but the day of probation will come.” The wedded couple were given good rooms and grand clothes, they were not obliged to work, their daily food was brought from their master’s table, labor and anxiety were at an end for them. Then came the day of probation. One gala day the prince had them to dine at his table, and sumptuous viands