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they had been forcibly deprived. Many a rich man in the present day, who takes advantage of the poor for his own profit, might learn a lesson from the generous Emperor Rudolph.

Q. Haw many things are necessary to make a sin mortal?

A. To make a sin mortal, three things are necessary: a grievous matter, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will.

The Lady who would not Pay the Dressmaker

Defrauding laborers of their wages is a sin that cries to Heaven. The following incident which occurred in Dresden, was reported in the newspapers. The daughter of a wealthy landed proprietor was married to a government official of high rank. On becoming “my lady,” she had a grand trousseau and many expensive dresses. Amongst other workwomen she employed a poor seamstress, who had a sick husband and eight children to support. When this woman, who was an able dress maker, brought home the gowns she had made, the lady praised her work and promised she would give her more in future, but she did not say a word about paying her. Weeks went by, and the poor woman did not get her money. Presently, when they were in great distress, she sent her eldest boy with the account to the lady. The boy, however, came back crying, having been scolded for his impudence, and brought no money. A few days later,