Page:Angelic Life in the Spiritual World, as revealed by the Sacred Scriptures.djvu/6

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Angelic Life in the Spiritual World,

is easy to see that such a desire may seek, sometimes, unlawful gratification, by disorderly means:—as when present-day philosophers, familiar with the laws of natural science, suppose that further investigation of these same laws and of their modes of working will eventually disclose the grand secret of what Life in its first principles is! Such men ignore, or reject altogether, the higher laws of spiritual science, which alone can guide the understanding to the solution of spiritual problems—laws which are given in the Word of God, wherefore it is said:

"The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple" (Psalm cxix. 130).

In every avenue of thought respecting life in the Spiritual World as an actual fact, traditional fear, doubt and prejudice have erected barriers inscribed with the words "Mystery!" "Dangerous!" "No Thoroughfare!"—but the Sacred Scriptures offer only encouragement to those who, from the ground of an honest and good heart, desire "to know the mystery of the kingdom of God" (Mark iv. 11). They say, to all who will hearken,

"If ye will enquire, enquire ye" (Isaiah xxi, 12).

"Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read" (Isaiah xxxiv. 16).

"Come now, and let us reason together" (Isaiah i. 18).

"Ask, and it shall lie given you; seek, and ye shall find" (Matthew vii. 7).

"Search the Scriptures" (John v. 39).

While, then, many see only violence in every endeavour to arrive at just conclusions respecting life in the Spiritual WorJd,—while the word "Mystery" (which was written on the forehead of the woman in scarlet mentioned in the Revelation as the "Mother of abominations") is hurled like a thunderbolt against every honest searcher into what is revealed,—the trustful enquirer will endeavour to learn what the Lord would have him to know, and will