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CONTRIVANCE animated twenty millions of people. He went with the torrent, and was soon elevated by the prevailing party to a very high rank in the revolutionary army. He was presented with the colonelcy of a regiment of Hussars, and in this character served under General Dumourier, in Brabant; but St. George, who was perfectly ignorant of the details of a military life, became a victim of the intrigucs and arts of individuals. His regiment charged, and, notwithstanding its bravery, was overpowered by the number and discipline of their opponents He was dcfeated, and his first steps in the carcer of glory were the area of his downfall. He never after held up his head. The Chevalicr de St. George died at Paris, in 1810 or 1811, regretted by his friends, and by the few who know how to feel for, or excuse, the imperfections of humanity-qualities from which none of us can hope to be exempt CONTRIvANCE. Resuming my pen again about fencing, a few words of a CONTRIVANCE, u jeu conrenu, between a late fencing-master here, named Goddard, though his merits (we both practised at the same time together at Paris) were not to be disputed as an instructor, yet, to excel all his competitors, not con- tented at his return to this country whcn boasting his superiority to all others in the profession ; his puffs in the papers, assuming the name of Piecass (French charlatanerie), the better to attract the attention of John Bull, but he must fence with St. George, publicly challenging him in the newspapers, exciting that curiosity, and to give éclat to the assaut, the Panthcon was announced for thcir meeting. I 12