Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/23

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setton Jacobum. ðe was gehaten Rihtwis on Christes setle. and eall seo geleaffulle gelaðung him gehyrsumode æfter Godes tæcunge. He ða gesæt ðæt setl ðritig geara, and æfter him Symeon ðæs Hælendes mæg." "The Apostles afterwards, before they separated, appointed James, who was called Righteous, to Christ's seat, and all the faithful Church obeyed him according to God's instruction. He then sat on that seat thirty years, and after him Symeon, a kinsman of the Saviour."

Moreover, the interpretation which Ælfric gives of Christ's metaphorical speech to St. Peter (as recorded in St. Matthew, xvi. 16-19) is quite incompatible with the claims advanced by the advocates of papal supremacy, and accords with that of Chrysostom, Cyril, and Hilary. In the homily upon the Passion of the Apostles Peter and Paul, we read, "Drihten cwæð to Petre. 'Ðu eart stænen.' For ðære strencðe his geleafan. and for anrædnysse his andetnysse he underfencg ðone naman. forðan ðe he geðeodde hine sylfne mid fæstum mode to Christe se ðe is 'Stan' gecweden fram ðam Apostole Paule. And ic timbrige mine cyrcan uppon ðisum stane.' ðæt is, ofer ðone geleafan ðe ðu andetst. Eal Godes gelaðung is ofer ðam stane gebytlod. ðæt is ofer Christe. forðam ðe he is grundweall ealra ðæra getimbrunga his agenre cyrcan. Se ðe ne bytlað of ðam grundwealle his weorc hryst to micclum lyre." &c. "The Lord said to Peter, 'Thou art of stone.' For the strength of his belief, and for the steadfastness of his profession, he received that name, because he had attached himself with firm mind to Christ, who is called 'stone' ('Rock') by the Apostle Paul. And I will build My Church upon this stone,' that is, on that faith which thou professest. All God's Church is built upon that stone, that is, upon Christ, for He is the foundation of all the fabrics of His own Church. He that buildeth not upon that foundation, his work falls to great destruction," &c. In the homily also upon the festival of St. Peter, the above-mentioned in-