Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/45

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of his anum ribbe worhte him gemacan. hyre nama wæs Eva. ure ealra modor. and God hi ða gebletsode mid ðyssere bletsunge. "Wexað and beoð gemenigfylde. and gefyllað ða eorðan. and habbað eow anweald ofer ða eorðan. and ofer sæ fyxum. and ofer ðam fleogendum fugelum. and ofer eallum ðam nytenum ðe styriað ofer eorðan." God gesceawode ða ealle his weorc. and hi wæron swyðe gode. and se syxta dæg wearð swa geendod.

XII. And God ða gefylde on ðam seofoðan dæge his weorc ðe he worhte on wunderlicum dihte. and hine ða gereste and ðone dæg gebletsode. forðan ðe he on ðam seofoðan dæge geswac his weorces. Næs he na werig. ðeah ðe hit swa awriten sy. ne he mid ealle ne geswac ða gesceafta to edniwigenne. ac he geswac ðæs dihtes ðæs deoplican cræftes. swa ðæt he selcuðe syððan scyppan nolde. ac ða ylcan geedniwian oð ende ðysse worulde. swa swa ure Hælend on his halgan godspelle gecwæð. Pater meus usque modo operațur, et ego operor. ðæt is on Englisc. "Min fæder wyrcð git oð ðysne andweardan dæg. and ic eac wyrce." Ælce geare by orf acenned. and mennisce menn to mannum acennede. ða ðe God gewyrcð swa swa he geworhte ða ærran, and he ne scypð nane sawle buton ðam cildum anum. and ealle nytenu nabbað nane sawle.

XIII. Sume menn wendon ðæt ðeos woruld wære æfre butan ælcum anginne. eallswa swa heo nu is heofen and eorðe. and eall gesceafta. ac we secgað to soðan ðæt God sylf hi gesceop. and næron nane gesceafta gif hi gesceapene næron. ne hi ne gewurdon ðurh hi sylfe, ac hi ge-