Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/51

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odon swyðe. Heora gecynd eac ða was eall on costnun- gum and him ungewylde to rihtre wissunge. and seo galnyss weohs[1] unwilles on him. and oðre unðeawas. ðe he ær ne cuðe. wunnon him ða on. and on his cynne syððan. swa ðæt hi moston mid micclum geswince ða godan ðeawas. ðe God hi on gesceop. healdan æfre syðan. gif hy hi habban woldon. ðæt ðæt hi ær heoldon butan earfoðnyssum. Đær to eacan hi swuncon and on swate leofodon. and mid earfoðnyssu him etes tilodon on mycelre geomerunge for heora gymeleaste. and him was ða uneaðe ðæt hi ær wæron on ealre wynsumnysse. and wunodon ða on sorhge.[2] anbidigende deaðes. and eall heora ofspring.

XVIII. Se Ælmihtiga God het ða his engla werod healdan ða gatu æt ðam ingange into paradisum. and ðam englum bebead. "Behealdað ðæt Adam ne ete of ðam treowe ðe is Lignum vitæ and he libbe on ecnysse." And him wæs swa forwyrned ðæs inganges syððan. Hearmlic him wære ðæt he wurðe ða ece. and eallum his ofspringe on ðære yrmðe ðæt we ealle sceoldon on ecnysse swa lybban on eallum ðam costnungum ðe us becumað nu. and on eallum ða earfoðnyssum ðe we on libbað. Ða forwyrnde him God ðæs inganges forðig to ðam lifes treowe. ðæt we lybban ne sceoldon swylce earmingas on ecum lichaman. swylce we nu syndon. on ðysum sorhfullum life. Wel us foresceawode se welwillenda God ðæt he on oðre wisan ure yfel gebette. and cydde his mihte and his mildheortnysse ðæt he swa mycel yfel mihte gebetan. and he eac wolde for his welwillendnysse us earmingas alysan fram ðam ecum suslum. ðæt mihte he ana don. forðam ðe he is Ælmihtig God.

XIX. Hit segð on ðære bec on ðyssere gesetnysse ðæt

  1. Junius reads "weox."
  2. Junius reads "sorge."