Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/53

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ðær wæs ligen swurd gelogod æt ðam ingange mid ðam halgum englum ðe heoldon ðæt geat. and ðæt ylce swurd wæs awendendlic swa ðeah. forðam ðe ure hælend Crist ðæs heofonlican Godes sunu on ðære[1] syxtan ylde ðyssere worulde wearð to menn geboren of ðam mædene Marian. and he mid his agenum deade ðone deofol oferwann. and he us swa alysde of his laðum ðeowdome. and he of deaðe aras on ðam ðriddan dæge. and awende ðæt swurd of ðam wæge mid ealle. ðæt we inn moton gaan to ðam upplican paradise. to ðam lifes treowe. ðæt is se leofa hælend. ðe ðæt ece lif forgif ðam ðe hine lufiað. and mid weorcum cyðað ðæt hi wilniað his. Ðis is nu betere ðæt we on blissum wunion à on ecnysse. ðonne Adam ða æte of ðam lifes treowe. and leofode on ecnysse mid eallum his cynne. swa swa we sædon ær. on eallum ðam yrmðum ðe us on rixiað. and on eallum ðam costnungum ðe us her becumað.

XX. Nu ðingð ðam dysegan menn ðe dwollice leofað. ðæt him genoh well si on ðyssere worulde. gif he lybban mot be his lustum æfre. ac he ne understent na his agene stuntnysse. and nat ðæt his lif is gelogod on geswincum. Ðonne him hingrað. he yt grædilice. eft ðonne him ðyrst. he drincð gif he hæfð. Ðonne him cælð. he cepð him hlywðe. Ðonne him to gange lyst. he gæth ðyder unðances. Ðonne he werig byð. he wyle hine gerestan. Gif he gewundod byð. he wilnað læcedomes. Nis ðys nu eall geswinc. and gyt mycele swarran ealle ða ungelimp ðe on ðysum life becumath. Se man earfoðlice mæg ealle areccan. Uton forðig hogian her on ðysum life. ðæt we mid geornfulnysse gewilnian æfre ðæs beæran lifes on ðære ecan blysse mid urum hælende Criste. swa swa he us behaten hæfð se ðe leofað and rixað mid his leofan fæder and ðam halgan gaste on anre godcundnysse. ana soð scyppend ealra ðinga. Amen.

  1. Vide "Ælfric's Treatise on the Old Testament, or, de Sex æætatibus Mundi," edited by Lisle.