Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/69

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admonitio ad filium spiritualem.

ðæt ece lif us mannum. and he ne bidde us to edleane nanes oðres ðinges buton us sylfe him. and ure sawla clæne. ðæt he on us wunige. and ure willa mid him. and ðæt he us sylfe hæbbe to ðam heofenlican life. Gif we nu habbað on horde gold orde seolfor. ðæt he het us dælan for his lufan ðearfum. and us he wyle habban. and ure he gewilnað. and he wyle on us his wununge habban. ðurh ðone halgan gast. ðe gegladað ure mod. Uton genealæcean to urum leofan drihtne. and uton us geðeodan mid godum ðeawum to him. and uton hine lufian. and lufian us sylfe. and eac ure neahstan buton ælcnum facne. Se ðe his neahstan lufað. se gelica Gode. and he bid Godes sunu geciged untwylice. Se ðe his neaxtan hatað. se bið gehaten ðonne ðæs awyrgedan deofles bearn. Se wyle æfre wyres. Se ðe his broðor lufað. he leofa on sibbe. and se ðe his broðor hatað. he hæfð unstilnesse. and swyðe drofi mod ðurh ðæs deofles tihtinge. Se wellwillenda man wyle eaðe forberan gif hine man ahwær tynd. oððe him tale gecwyð. and se unrihtwisa wer wyle niman on teonan his nextan dæde. ðeah ðe he him teonan ne gedo. ðe ðe mid lufe bið afylled. se færð on smyltnesse. and se ðe hatunge hæfð. se færð mid yrsunge.

V. De Dilectione Proximi.

Lufa ðu min bearn on ðinum life simle wellwyllendnysse. ðæt ðu gewilnie godes. and hafa ðinne niextan swa swa ðin agen lim. Læt ðe ælcne mannan. ðe geleafan hæfð to Gode. swa leofne swa broðor. and beo de sylf gemyndig ðæt an ys se soða wyrhta. Se us ealle gesceop. Ne astyra ðu æswicunga ænigum men on life. and ðæt ðe sylfum mislicað. ne do ðu oðrum mannum ðat. Gif ðu hwene gesihst geðeon on gode. blissa on his dædum. ðæt his bliss beo ðin. and gif him hwæt mistimað. besarga his unrotnysse. Adræf fram ðinre sawle ælce yfelnysse. and seo hatung ne ontende