Page:Angna Enters - Among the Daughters.djvu/179

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"I guess you'd like the other parties better. They're always in apartments or those new penthouses—awfully windy up there—or in speakeasies. I've never been inside another whole house in New York but I'd love to see the inside of a big Fifth Avenue house."

"Ask Lyle to take you to his mother's."

"I couldn't do that."

"I see what you mean."

"That's not nice, Peggy—you always see a double meaning. Lyle hasn't made love to me and is very sweet to Mother and brings her flowers."

"What—no diamonds!"

"I don't like your attitude," Lucy snapped. Why is Peggy being so mean, not wanting to believe Lyle hasn't made love to me? It isn't important but if she's my friend she ought to believe what I tell her. It's as if she can't be happy unless I admit I'm a gold-digger when all I want is Carly. She changed the subject.

"If you'll pardon me for being frank, I think you ought to begin doing some serious work," said Lucy. "You say yourself you're too tall for ballet. Even though I know your technique is good, better than mine, you're more the type for acrobatic dancing, especially because your knees are double-jointed. Or how about ballroom dancing? Why don't you get a partner and work out an exhibition ballroom routine. You know, he in full dress and you in a long skirt, then both of you in man's full dress and top hats with canes. You'd look good in men's clothes. Then you could get a steady job."

"Well, I like that!" exclaimed Peggy angrily.

The remainder of their walk was silent. Some nerve that Lucy Claudel had telling her she wasn't an artist.

That wasn't a nice thing to say to Peggy but it's true, she would be better off with a ballroom partner, and anyway I feel like a good fight today, and she made me mad talking as if I'd let Lyle make love to me for old diamonds, Lucy thought feeling miserable. I guess that bathtub gin last night made me cross too. And it's such a nice fresh sunny day when you ought to be feeling good.

Master had greeted her appearance at class with heavy sarcasm.

"So—you have decide to give us few minutes of your—walubel——time?"

It was embarrassing to be scolded in front of the class. You'd think from their expressions they never missed a lesson.