Page:Anna Chapin--Half a dozen boys.djvu/121

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rest of us. Fred would be largely under your care. Are you strong enough to go through it?”

“I think I am,” said Bess slowly. “I should like him here, if you and father don’t object. The boy has to learn all over again the very A B C of living, and he has no one to teach him but us. Only, I don’t want Mary.”

“Who would take care of Fred, to give him what help he needs?” asked Mr. Carter.

“I would,” responded Bess promptly. “He doesn’t need much, and it will be less every day. Mary would be only an extra care and worry. She would be half servant, half companion, and that would just upset Bridget. We don’t want her round in the way.”

“I think you are right,” said her mother. “But think this over carefully, Bess. If you don’t feel equal to it, don’t try. I shall not be able to do much, and it will make a great care for you.”

“I know it, mother; but I think I can go through with it. Fred will be happy with us, and Rob will help me with him, won’t you, dear?”